Well, we have our share of pumpkin patches here in South Florida but I had to share these with you before they are spent. These are the blossoms blooming in my backyard right now. The soft yellow blossoms some of you may recognize as the frangipani a.k.a. Plumeria. We started planting these a couple of years ago and now have several in our yard to enjoy. Soon though, they will drop all their leaves and just look like big bare sticks poki

I guess that's why it inspired me to design a block and include it in my Florida Album Quilt pattern which consists of 9 applique blocks. After living in Florida all of my adult life I decided it was time to design a quilt of some of my favorite Florida flora and fauna. There was no shortage of inspiration surrounding me. I have always enjoyed the outdoors, I love bird watching, discovering new plants, new butterflies, even some new bugs. Yes, we have bugs in Florida but we won't get into that. Anyway, I got out my sketch pad and started scribbling and then had to decide which critters and such were going to be in the quilt. Some people ask me why I didn't put a pink flamingo in the quilt. Well, one of my favorite birding spots is the J.N. "Ding" Darling National Wildlife Refuge on Sanibel Island (FL) and many times we have seen large flocks of Roseate Spoonbills gathered there and to me they are just as amazing and more "real" Florida, not "postcard" Florida, so I added them instead. And they're still pink !
Today I am working on a little surprise for everyone, so I better go get busy.
Til then, enjoy what's out your window.