Monday, November 10, 2008


When was the last time you contemplated the longevity of our art form - quilting?
Are we taking our quilts for granted?
I was reminded of these questions this weekend when my husband and I took a spin up to nearby Ft. Myers Beach to enjoy the artists that had descended upon the sand, or more aptly put, into the sand. The art medium for these artists is the powdery white sand itself.

We stood mesmerized as we watched small mountains of sand transformed by, trowel, hand, brush, bucket, and numerous other tools, into breathtaking works of art.
But for these artists, their works of art, unlike our quilts, are exposed to
the mercy of the wind, the rain, shore birds, and of course time. They toil for 2-3 days creating imaginative, and unbelievably detailed sculptures knowing full well that their fantastic sculptures will, very quickly, once again become the beach sand we walk upon.
So it is also the same with the artists that use sidewalks as their canvas, or the patient monks that create intricate sand Mandalas, food artists, graffiti artists, and more, all making art that is fleeting in it's physical form.
Imagine for a just moment if you had to shred or burn your quilt when you had finished it. Could you? I am grateful to all these artists that are willing to spend their energy and creativity to share with us their imaginative works of art knowing that only a memory or photograph is all that will be left. Would it be enough for you?

until next time,

1 comment:

Kwiltsfl said...

Cool sculptures! I wish I could have been there. I am SO glad my quilts last for years, though......