Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Box full of procrastination

Take a good look....this is where procrastinating will lead. What started out as a small manageable box of scraps.......

........has morphed into this unsightly behemoth you see here.
This is on this weeks must do list.
You see, I have to-do lists, want to-do lists, think about doing lists and MUST DO lists. Oh gosh, now I guess I have a list of lists.
Anyway, I am going to make sense of this box. I haven't figured out exactly how to proceed yet. Do I want to sort by color or size or both? Do I want to save the cut strips separately? How much of the behemoth do I want to save? I guess I'm just going to be brave and just charge in and wrestle it to the ground. To the victor go the spoils!
Okay, after seeing this you are wondering what the rest of my fabric stash looks like. Surprise! It's all quite neat and tidy. Well most of it anyway and it's all thanks to some dear friends a couple of years ago that came over and really helped me organize. The plaids are in a bit of a mess at the moment and so are a bit camera shy.

Here's hoping that you conquer your behemoth whatever it may be.


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