When I first heard about Pat Sloan's OP Challenge I had to join in.
Click on her link above to get all the details if you're just joining us. It's lots of fun and part of the fun is the blog hop. You'll hop over to several blogs including this one, and if you leave a comment you're in the running for a prize! So get started and have fun with the sew along and the blog hop and good luck.
Orange is misunderstood and shunned by many but - Oh just think how dull the world would be without a little ORANGE.
Orange is vibrant, hmmm kinda like Pat. Orange is quirky, hmmm Pat comes to mind once again, Orange is fun, hmmmm Pat again, no wonder she chose orange. With any luck I'll have some blocks made by the time this posts. On Friday the first day of the sew-along I had shipping to get done and an appointment all the way across town and I'm trying to get another pattern design wrapped up before my classes get started, then Saturday morning I'm out for lunch and shopping with my quilting buddies and then we have a guest coming for dinner Saturday night so.... my 2 blocks may be a bit wonky as they were made in the wee hours. What's your secret Pat? You always seem to be doing about a jillion things at once. I can usually manage to juggle about a half a jillion. Maybe if I can get my hubby to cut fabric???? Anyway, I stumbled into Pat on Facebook through as mutual friend, and had some idea of her accomplishments but wow, there's no moss growing on her. I'm looking forward to bumping into Pat at Fall Market if she stands still long enough.
If you've never been a fan of orange I hope you'll decide to add at least a bit of orange into your life. When I went in search of orange I discovered I actually had two orange scissors! (of course, I do have a bunch of scissors)
The two tangerines in the backyard were just as delicious as they look, and orange seems to have found its way into my kitchen cupboards , most likely into yours too.

Then I came across the not so subtle purse I made from my Earthknits™ pattern "Eco-purse" that is most assuredly orange. There's also my quilt pattern "Fruity Fandango" which was inspired by oranges and their cousins, grapefruit, lime and lemon.

Then, did I mention I was a cheesehead? Yes, I am. I was born and raised in Wisconsin. Home of yummy orange cheese and the infamous Green Bay Packers!
I also had a pretty good stash of orange fabric, as you can see in the pic of my OP (Orange pile)
I posted a couple of days ago. I think I may need several orange florals to round it out. Good excuse to go shopping.

I'm hopeful that today I will get a chance to get caught up in the sew along, but I am enjoying seeing all the OP blocks that everyone is making, the fabulous variety of projects, and how much everyone is getting done.
I hope you enjoyed hopping over to by my blog and good luck to you for the drawing of today's giveaway. Just leave a comment on this post and maybe you'll be the lucky winner. We'll let you know later this evening, around 8:00 pm Eastern time.
I want to send the winner something cheery because I realize that it's still kind of gloomy up North, and out East, and in the Northwest.... well, you get my drift (no-no, not snow drift).
So I filled a little spring basket (see pic below) adorned with an orange carrot and filled with some pretty fabrics and creative bits to play with. There's 1/2 yd. of turquoise fabric, 1/2 yard of bright green, 1/4 yard of pink and a FQ of a pretty print along with some green pearl cotton, some bright felted wool squares, a card case (handmade by me), an egg full of asst. buttons, a packet of silk ribbon, a fun block stamp, a bag of yummy Reese's® pieces (yes they're orange) and one of my patterns of your choice. If you win you can let me know which pattern you chose in an e-mail.
Orange you glad you stopped by? Orange you happy to be a quilter?
If you get a chance hop over to my website too, there are links over to the right.
Pop in later this week to see Miss Rosie and updated pics of baby squirrel.
in stitches, Linda

What a nice giveaway! I checked out your website and you have fantastic patterns!
Very nice springy giveaway! This orange project is great for me-I love orange!!
I love your patterns, Linda. I'll be back to take a better look. Your giveway is 'orangesome'! Thanks for your generosity. We have lots of snow drifts this morning- northern Ontario near Manitoulin Island.
absolutely love your blog and website, too fun and Orange you glad we all stopped by! LOL Your sense of humor is awesome. I'm thinking spring now that I shoveled another 5 inches of new snow.
The "no moss growing Pat" comment. . . I feel like I'm watching the energizer bunny on steroid! She truly is inspirational not only in her designs but in her energy, can do attitude and zest for life! I'm glad she brought me to your blog. . . Love your blocks btw - the way you really did positive and negative. I like that. Amy R
Love the buttons in the egg! It would make a great egg hunt for quilter's on Easter! ;-)
Fun website!! You have a wonderful sense of humor. That bucket of goodies should come to my house!! Rebecca
Oh, Linda how nice! Hey, I love the Packers too. . . Aaron Rogers is from my hometown. . . Chico. . .but he attended the OTHER high school ;)! I've loved the OP challenge too!
Nice bunch of goodies for us orange lovers...count me in!
Hi Linda, I checked out your patterns and they are lovely!
Please count me in for the giveaway. You are most generous!
Oh my what a nice basket of goodies for sure...love it all.
Great site and blog!!
Will return!
I've never been a great fan of orange, either. But this OP Retreat has been lots of fun. And your giveaway looks like fun too.
Love that this challenge has given me wonderful new blogs to visit!
Fun stuff! Thanks for the great post to get us in the OP mood!
Thanks for offering such a great giveaway. I love the happy fabrics.
Great giveaway! Nice selection of Orange.
Great giveaway! Love the orange quilt. Your blocks are looking good too. Hope to see more.
Thank you for the generous giveaway! Barb
It must of taken a lot of time to search out all of your orange samples. Very nice indeed.
Wow - got some duplicate error message when I posted so guess it is lost in blogland?
Anyways... let me try to remember what I wrote! LOL
Love your OP blocks! The fabric and color combo's are great!
I am envious of your Orange Stash!
Thank you for hosting a giveaway!
Good luck all!
Loving Orange Always!
I love your blog! My mother has been a fan of all things orange for her (and mine)whole life. She likes to add that was before the 60's orange. What ever candy you eat, the orange is always the best tasting one.
Your giveaway is very cute, and I love the patterns...off to read more.
Love your style of writing...fun blog...I'll be back. As for Pat, I am convinced she must only sleep about 2 hours a day...if that! Oh, yes...please enter me in your giveaway!
Yea! Someone ELSE has the old orange Tupperware still in the cupboard! I thought I was the only one. This is my first visit, but I will be back! Julie in WA
UOOH! UOOH! I want that give away. I love Reese's and that carrot is just so cute. Such creativity. I used to live in FL.
Sharon in NJ
Very nice giveaway! You did a great post too! I'm having a giveway too but not for the OP. Check it out. I'm adding 2 more prizes before the first.
Love your giveaway. Orange is my favorite color. Will be checking out your patterns, too. Thanks for participating.
I neeeeed some more orange in my life. I live in cold, snowy Iowa (neighbors, huh)
Thanks for the sun.
great orange post.... Off to check out your website...
Your giveaway would help to cheer me as we are tired of the snow and cold.
Pat has done a wonderful OP challenge and now I feel as though I have met so many wonderful new friends. Linda you are so creative and fun. I'm so glad I found your site, you have so many fabulous patterns, how can anyone decide which one to get. This challenge has certainly gotten my creative orange juices flowing.
So I will be back to visit later as I am off to sew some orange and blue blocks with some yellow or pink in them.
Orange you glad we all love orange? But seriously, I'm looking forward to visiting your blog again and checking out your website.
Thanks so much,
I whish.....I whish.......I have three whishes....right? But I have NO orange fabric and couldn't joyn in on the fun :(
Wow! I guess if I looked around my house I would be surprised at how much orange I have. I recognize the scissors (have several) and the Tupperware (what decade are those from??) and I'm sure there is a lot more than I would have thought.
Love your orange fabrics! Your blocks are very fun. Wish it were warm enough here to grow tangerines. Still, working with some nice warm colors has helped brighten my snowy cold weekend.
What a lovely blog :o) Love thos blocks, and the spring giveaway, wow, I must be in with a chance of winning this, such a fantastic prize.. Looking forward to seeing you OP results.
Love your orange post. You've got the spirit. Will enjoy visiting your blog. Take care!
I have loved this weekend filled with orange. I am one of those quilters that wasn't so keen on orange but Pat has done her magic and has transformed me. I am addicted now, haha.
I took a quick look at some of your quilts and they are beautiful. Great inspiration for me!
I found your website for the first time today, and will be back to share a smile. Please coount me in for the giveaway
I am loving this way to much! Thanks for sharing! Orange is GOOD!
I am sooooo happy that everyone is having a good time with Pat's OP Challenge and the blog hop. I am trying to reply to everyone that has left comments but I am still pretty new to all the technical aspects of some of this so bear with me please. Your OP blocks and projects are so inspiring, I love seeing them and also visiting your blogs in return. Thank you for all the delightful comments you all have posted, you are all lovely and "orangesome" (to quote SarahVee) and I wish I could send all of you the giveaway. Good luck - Linda
We need something that resembles spring here in the northeast! Too Much WHITE! I think orange is the new black!
Here in the northeast we need a new color- ORANGE. Tried of seeing all that white!
I LOVE your blog, you are now on my favorites so I can find you each day when I sit down to check on them all. Geez, if I keep finding these terrific blogs, I'll end up sitting at the computer all day instead of sewing. Your blocks or OP are beautiful, so cheery, and what a great giveaway, such a cute presentation of the giveaway prizes. Thanks for the chance to win them.
Sorry, I forgot to leave my email, it's ... teenietaters@msn.com
Wow! I am lovin' those fabrics and a pattern too! What could be better! Thanks!
Love your give away! I am behind too but the rest of the day is for quilting!
I start looking for orange in hopes of spring!
What a fantastic giveaway. The egg with the button is so cute. Please enter me. I am glad to be a quilter.
Hi Linda!
Thanks for changing things so non-bloggers can join in!!!
Here I am, so pretty please sign me up for the delicious giveaway! Woot!!!!
I'm looking forward to exploring your site. You're bookmarked now!
Orange you so clever on your blog today!
Quilter in Quakertown
Who new that orange would make such an impression on our lives. You really see it popping out all over and now, "I see orange..." Thank you for the opportunity to win. Sure hope I do.
Wow, that's a lot of orange!! Nice giveaway!
thanks for the giveaway,, enter me in,, its cold up here in the north
AM glad I'm a quilter & I LOVE orange. I've enjoyed spending time at your blog. Thanks for your generous offer -- I think your blocks are wonderful!!
I love your blocks & website ~ thanks for offering a give-away to add to the fun of the OP!
Your giveaway is too cute, and so springy, just makes me smile.
Thanks for the chance.
Sue Cahill (sbonetsue at yahoo dot com)
Linda: Thank you for opening up the comments to the blogless among us! I'm glad I did what you said and checked back ;-)
I haven't gotten much done on my blocks, but I'm definitely going to continue with this! I love orange, and it was great to get me thinking about it and using it. Love your designs, as I told you in my e-mail. --Lydia (thepoch[at]aol[dot]com)
Hi ! I'm finally making my way here! And hope I'm not too late! I've finally gotten 5 blocks done and have not been on the computer. Thanks for the giveaway. Enjoyed visiting your blog!
Your blocks turned out very nice. I like the fabrics you choose.
Love your orange giveaway
I love, love, love your site and orange everything. Thank you for sharing. This has been a very exciting and fun challange. I had to function outside of the box on this challange as orange is not one of my favorites.
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